The sacred heart academy logo is red and white

Student Life Overview

An All-Girls Catholic School

Perhaps more than any other aspect, what distinguishes Sacred Heart from its regional peers in Catholic secondary education is the tight-knit, supportive sense of community our students experience from their first days here. It is felt inside the classroom, in the hallways and dining hall, during religious activities, at social and sports events, and by participating in multi-faceted extracurricular activities.

At SHA, we believe that each student is endowed with unique gifts. To develop those gifts and talents, we offer our students opportunities to participate in a diverse array of clubs, organizations, honor societies, activities and events.

Whether they are performing on stage in the school musical or ballet, writing a case for a debate, voicing their views in Student Council, or delivering donations for a Catholic League baby shower drive, SHA students are able not only to develop an area of interest, but have opportunities to become a leader and form lasting friendships. It also fosters a unique opportunity for faculty members to relate to students outside the classroom. In cases where students have interest in a club or activity that we don't currently have, students can start them up on their own – and often have!

Assistant Principal for Student Life:

Mrs. Emanuela Sullivan



516-483-7383 ext. 231

Dean of Students:

Ms. Kathleen Gaughan

Phone: 516-483-7383 ext. 223

SHA Student Handbook Student Resources Student Portal

Are you a Prospective Student? Are you Interested in Visiting SHA?

Let us know!

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More than a school, a true community

Clubs and Activities

At Sacred Heart Academy, we believe every student has unique gifts. SHA offers various extracurricular clubs and activities for students to develop their talents and explore their interests. Whether performing in a musical, debating, dining at a French restaurant, or delivering donations for a baby shower drive, students can find a club that matches their interests or even start their own. Participation fosters friendships and allows faculty to connect with students outside the classroom.

Clubs & Activities 2024-2025

Summer Camps 2025

Get to know SHA this summer by attending our SHA Summer Camps! Students have the opportunity to learn leadership skills and how to Lead with Heart from our dedicated teachers and coaches. 2025 offerings include:

- Leadership Academy

- Lacrosse

- Field Hockey

- Volleyball

- Basketball

- Red & Gold

- Soccer

- Softball

- Tennis


A Red and Gold tradition

Red and Gold is a fun, competitive and cooperative student-run activity guided by faculty moderators. Senior students are voted into captain positions to create themes, make routines and teach them to the underclassmen, design costumes, demonstrate leadership, and communicate with the faculty moderators.

Each team, Red and Gold, competes for points in:

  • Entrance
  • Cheering
  • Aerobics
  • Dance
  • Spirit Routines
  • and Collaborative Team Cooperation

highlight of the year

The extra-curricular highlight of the year is the annual Red and Gold competition in January. This unique activity captures the creative energy and dedication of SHA students, families and alumnae. Two teams, each representing one of the school colors, compete in dance, aerobics, kickline, cheering and "spirit" performances that bring thousands to the Hofstra University gymnasium to cheer for their color. Student captains design routines and costumes for the annual show. Participation is available to all grade levels.

Driver's Education

Welcome to Sacred Heart Academy's Driver's Education Program!

Please select the session you are interested in learning more about below and click the link to get information. Thank you for visiting us and we look forward to seeing you on the "road."

Prayer for New Drivers

God, keep this driver safe on the roads,

Help them to be focused and alert,

Always remembering that they share the road with others.

May they drive with compassion and care,

And only encounter others who do the same.

Wherever they go, may they travel with peace and love.


A feeling of belonging and inclusiveness is felt in every aspect of their daily lives.

More Information & FAQs

At Sacred Heart Academy, our vibrant community thrives on connection and support. Students enjoy nutritious lunches, stylish uniforms that foster pride, and reliable transportation options. Each element is designed to cultivate an empowering atmosphere where young women flourish together, building lifelong friendships and memories in an enriching all-girls environment.

  • Lunch Information


    1. Go to Click on the button labeled Create Account. Enter in the required fields (your email address, your first name, your last name, and your phone number). Next enter the required fields for the student (Sacred Heart Academy, the Student I.D. Number, the student’s first name, and the student’s last name). Then click on Register This Account. You will have to repeat this step for each participating child in your family. Once finished, click the button labeled Complete Registration.
    2. You will then receive an e-mail response with your User I.D. and Password. It is important that you keep this information as it will be your permanent User I.D. and Password to access your account.
    3. Once you have your User I.D. and Password, log onto
    4. Enter your User I.D. and Password and follow the prompts to make deposits. Note that while you can deposit funds into your child’s account at any time, the minimum deposit at any time is $50.00 (per student). Visa and MasterCard are accepted, or you may pay by check, made payable to the CulinArt Group and mailed to “Sacred Heart Academy, 47 Cathedral Ave, Hempstead NY 11550, Attention: Food Service Director”. Please also not that there is a 4% convenience fee for each transaction. If you use an electronic check in lieu of a credit card, there will be a 1% convenience fee and $0.75 transaction fee.
    5. Each participating student is issued a Dining Service ID Number, to which their deposits are applied, and from which your child can make daily purchases in the school’s café.
    6. If you wish to change your email and/or password at any time, you may do so by selecting the link on the home page.
    7. Participating families may review their account balances online at any time and will automatically receive monthly balance statements via email. (Detailed statements will be available upon request).
    8. At the end of the year, balances will be rolled over to the next school year.
    9. For registration technical support, please contact , 855-302-0070, or 617-868-0060.

    We look forward to a healthy, exciting, and tasty school year!

  • Uniforms

    Sacred Heart Academy has a code of dress. Appearance and dignity are vitally important to the development of any young woman and it is expected that all uniforms be kept in good condition. Students are to wear only the uniform made for their respective classes. 


    Uniforms are sold through Flynn and O'Hara Uniform Company.


    Please feel free to call Mrs. Sullivan, Assistant Principal, at (516) 483-7383 ext. 231 with any questions.

  • Transportation

     YES!  SHA knows that transportation is an important factor for many families. The Education Law of New York State requires all non-city public school districts to provide transportation to students in grades K-12.

    Starting Fall 2025, we’re thrilled to launch our new Whitestone/25A Bus Route, making it easier than ever for students to access the Sacred Heart experience. Reserve your seat on our inaugural route today by visiting our Admissions page or contacting Mrs. Ellis at 516-483-7383 x209.

    See The FAQ Below for More information.

    Transporation FAQ
  • Student Council

    The Student Council is the student governing body for Sacred Heart Academy. We are a liaison between the students and the Administration.

    Among the activities we participate in are: Open House & the Strides Walk at Jones Beach. We coordinate the Thanksgiving Food Drive and Christmas Toy Drives. Mother Daughter Night is our biggest fundraiser.

  • Driver's Education

    Welcome to Sacred Heart Academy's Driver's Education Program

    Please select the session you are interested in learning more about below and click the link to get information.

    Thank you for visiting us and we look forward to seeing you on the "road."

    Fall 2024 Information page is open!  Click below!

    Driver's Prayer

    Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant me

    a steady hand and watchful eye,

    that none be hurt as I pass by.

    Thou givest life. I pray no act of mine

    take away or mar that gift Divine.

    Protect those, Lord, who travel with me

    from highway dangers and all anxiety.

    Teach me to use my car for others' needs

    and never miss the beauty of Thy

    world through excessive speed.

    I pledge to drive with loving concern

    to my every destination,

    offering each travel hour to Thee

    in a spirit of reparation.

    Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,

    my auto Companion,

    have mercy on me.

  • Community Service

    In accordance with "Validating the Vision" and reinforcing our mission of "bringing about union and reconciliation by awakening in our community an awareness of the unconditional love God has for all people," Sacred Heart has established a community service requirement. Every student must complete 20 hours of community service and those students who are members of the National Honor Society or any other Honor Society must do an additional 10 hours of service.

    Typically done over the summer, after school or on weekends, community service is defined as a volunteer activity undertaken for the good of others. No paid work or service can be used to fulfill the requirement.

    "Living the mission" in the community

    SHA students embrace this requirement to an extraordinary extent. Each young women has her own story of "living the CSJ mission" and personal growth as a result of her work in the community. Most remarkably, the great majority of students far exceed the minimum service requirements - with some devoting well over 200 hours to their volunteer activity of choice.

    Our young women can be found teaching religious education to parish elementary school students... providing support for healthcare professionals at local hospitals and caregivers at nursing homes... helping out at local food pantries and other charitable groups, and doing so much more. Volunteers at Camp Anchor, a summer camp for special needs children in Lido Beach, report having experiences working with the developmentally disabled that will last their lifetime.

    SHA students have also become a mainstay of support for Habitat for Humanity in Nassau County. Crews of our young women can regularly be found on Habitat's project sites assisting volunteers as they build affordable housing for deserving Nassau County families.

  • Student Publications


    The Cordette, the student newspaper of Sacred Heart Academy, serves as the eyes and ears of our learning community. Reporting on school events as well as on community, national, and global issues of concern, student journalists offer to their readership broad and comprehensive coverage of pertinent subjects. Leadership positions are held by the Editor-in-Chief, supported by the Assistant Editor and section editors responsible for the areas of News, Features, Arts and Leisure, Sports, Spiritual Life / Mission Effectiveness, Series, and Layout.


    Editors and staff writers are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity, responsibility, and honor through loving adherence to the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph, promoting unity, reconciliation, inclusive love, peace, and justice through the power of the written word. 


    Moderator: Dr. Mary Ellen Minogue



    Ex-Corde is the Sacred Heart Academy yearbook.  This is a yearlong commitment in which students work to create a 300 page book documenting the events and activities of the school year.

    Moderators: Ms. Meghan Von Elm and Ms. Rachael Grazioli

  • International Travel

    At Sacred Heart Academy (SHA), we believe that international travel provides students with an opportunity to expand the boundaries of the physical classroom to the world that exists beyond the school walls.


    Through our association with ACIS, two trips are offered every year, each with a different focus and set of objectives. The first trip, an international service-learning experience, enables our students, for example, to work with economically disadvantaged students, explore the harsh realities of racial and ethnic injustice, and participate in conservation projects in the host country. The second trip focuses exclusively on cultural connections. SHA students engage people from other countries, creating a cross-cultural literacy that makes it possible for them to see the world from a different point of view.


    In learning about others, they learn about themselves. International travel facilitates Sacred Heart’s goal of working “for peace and justice in an increasingly interdependent global community.” 


    We are pleased to facilitate trips every year through American Council for International Studies (ACIS), a leader in quality educational travel. The cost of each trip depends on a number of factors, including destination, type of itinerary and length of stay.


    2025 International Trips

    Spain Educational Tour - February 14th

    England and Ireland Educational Tour - April 16th


    For additional information, including itineraries and registration materials, please contact Mr. Richard Powers (

    Further information can be found at


    For information on registering, please view below.

    Learn More
Senior Disney Trip 2025 Final Payment Form
Matilda Musical Ticket Purchases
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