The sacred heart academy logo is red and white

Spiritual Atmosphere

Sacred Heart Academy is imbued with the mission of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Brentwood. We profess in our philosophy, "that each member of the Community is uniquely gifted by a loving God, and individually called to respond to that love." We encourage our young women to develop these gifts through a spiritual atmosphere and a variety of religious experiences.

Religious activities include...

  • Each day begins and ends with prayer.
  • School-wide Liturgies are held on all holy days and special events.
  • Class Liturgies give students an opportunity for small group worship and prayer.
  • Friday Liturgies are a regular feature at SHA.
  • Students participate at Liturgies by being lectors, altar servers, and gift bearers. In senior year, students can become Eucharistic Ministers.
  • During Lent, priests join our community to offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • Rosary Sodality meets regularly to pray the rosary.
  • Special prayer and reflection times are scheduled during Advent and Lent.
  • All students are offered a variety of retreat experiences.

Office of Campus Ministry

516.483.7383 ext. 233

Liturgical Ministers

Each year, 11th year students are offered the opportunity to apply for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Applications are reviewed and accepted students are notified.

According to Diocesan regulations, these candidates, together with candidates from other Catholic high schools, are required to attend the workshop given in the spring by the Office of Worship of our diocese. The candidates are then officially installed as ministers at the opening liturgy in September of the new school year.

Students are encouraged to offer their service in this ministry to their own local parishes as there are limited opportunities to serve at school and subsequently, only a small number can be accepted for school service.

Review the requirements for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at SHA.

Eucharistic Minister Application
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