At Sacred Heart Academy, the Counseling Department (Counselors and Social Worker) focuses on each student’s academic, social, and emotional growth while assisting with post-secondary planning. Our aim is to build collaborative relationships with students, faculty, and parents to foster advocacy, independence, and critical thinking for making healthy decisions. A certified School Counselor oversees academic progress and prepares students for the college application process. Additionally, licensed Social Workers are available to provide confidential support for personal, social, or emotional issues.
Our building features a state-of-the-art College and Career Center. Counselors use this facility to help students explore career and college options, navigate the Naviance program, complete the Common Application, and access essential programs for post-secondary education. Our Jump-Start College Camp prepares Seniors for the college application process, including Common App procedures and the College Essay Process.
Director of School Counseling, Assistant Principal, &
All First Year Students
Mrs. Gina Christel
516.483.7383 ext. 234
Office Manager
Ms. Nicole Martellucci
516.483.7383 ext. 429
Director of Special Services
Sister Eileen Brennan, CSJ
516.483.7383 ext. 431
Assistant to the Director of Special Services
Sister Pat Lynch, CSJ
516.483.7383 ext. 434
Special Services Counselor
Ms. Mary Christy
516.483.7383 ext. 432
Lead Counselor/AP Coordinator
Mrs. Kathleen O'Neill
516.483.7383 ext. 421
Mrs. Kim Hearney (Leave Replacement for Mrs. Gregorio)
516.483.7383 ext. 423
Mrs. Connie Rotondi
516.483.7383 ext. 426
Grade 9 Transition Advisor
Ms. Mikaela Kelly
516.483.7383 ext. 422
Social Worker
Ms. Victoria Cali, LMSW
516.483.7383 ext. 228
Mrs. Elaine Bova, LMS
516.483.7383 ext. 425
More than a school, a true community
The Counselor meets with her students individually, in small groups and at Guidance Level Meetings during the year to facilitate each student’s orientation and transition to high school. Students will explore the following topics: Transitioning to high school, navigating our Naviance program, study skills, time management, course selection and academic requirements, communication and relationships. Students may meet individually with their counselor throughout the year to discuss personal/academic concerns.
The counselor meets with her students individually, in small groups and at Guidance Level Meetings during the year to improve decision making and problem solving skills. Students have the opportunity to explore career goals within the context of their individual interests, values and abilities. An integral part of the exploration is the completion of a personality profile and career survey in our Naviance Program. Program planning and diploma requirements are discussed in depth. Students may meet individually with their counselor throughout the year to discuss personal/academic concerns.
The counselor meets with her students individually, in small groups and at Guidance Level Meetings primarily for development of the skills in researching college options which best meet the student’s individual strengths, interests and goals. This search is done through our Naviance program. Other topics explored are academic integrity, plagiarism, college visits, and an introduction to the College Application Process. Students may meet individually with their counselor throughout the year to discuss personal/academic concerns.
The counselor meets with her students individually, in small groups and at Guidance Level Meetings to finalize college selection choices and to complete the college application process. Related topics: the College Deadline Sheet, accurate listing of colleges in the Naviance program, activity resume, counselor/teacher recommendations, college interviews and scholarships are reviewed. Counselors are available to assist with the Common Application. Students may meet individually with their counselor throughout the year to discuss personal/academic concerns.
A full-time Counselor is available to students and parents/guardians for college planning and exploration. The College Counselor is the primary liaison to college admissions personnel. Information and updates are provided on an ongoing basis regarding scholarships and special programs on the SHA Guidance website. Junior and Senior students and their parents/guardians are invited to schedule a personal appointment to discuss their daughter’s college plans. The College Fair and Financial Aid Night are coordinated by the College Counselor, in addition to all of the standardized Testing.
Sacred Heart Academy has entered into a partnership with Northwell Health to provide support and training for school staff, resources for families, and emergency mental health services for students. To learn more, see below and tab to your right.
Behavioral Health Center
A key component of the district's partnership with Northwell Health is the Behavioral Health Center, located at 156 First Street (lower level) in Mineola. It is a place to access urgent mental health support for school-aged children and adolescents who may not necessarily require the services of an emergency room. Northwell professionals will meet with students in need of immediate evaluation and make connections for appropriate care.
The Behavioral Health Center is open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8am-8pm and Tuesday 9:30am-5:30pm for the exclusive use of students from partnering school districts.
"Through the generosity of the Ryan Patrick O’Shea Foundation, on January 26th, twenty-one peer (student) leaders and seven adult leaders were trained to participate in the annual Sources Of Strength program; a national program whose mission is to create a culture promoting wellness, where students feel comfortable to get help when they are struggling emotionally, feel overwhelmed or suicidal, or are having a tough time with anger, anxiety or depression.
The program acknowledges a silent truth: students are likely more aware of friends or classmates who are struggling sooner than most caring adults and their influences on the behaviors of their friends and peers cannot often be matched by adults. Harnessing those truths, when peers leaders work together with caring adults, students can get the help they need. Through the program, peer leaders aren’t encouraged to become psychiatrists; they are strengthened with resources to recognize the needs of their peers before they become critical. With knowledge of prevention and a referral to a caring adult, the stigma of mental health is reduced, the community is stronger and help is available.
As the academic year progresses, our peer leaders will kickstart a community-wide campaign highlighting both our collective and individual Sources of Strength. We look forward to observing our students exemplify the distinct strength, hope, and courage that define the unique spirit of SHA."
"Annually, in May, SHA hosts an Out of the Darkness Walk on our own Four Sisters Field to celebrate Mental Health Month. We walk the track to help spread awareness for suicide prevention, education and ending the stigma associated with mental health. Donations support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
On Sunday, morning May,19th SHA will be hosting our annual Out of the Darkness Walk on our own Four Sisters Field to celebrate Mental Health Month. We walk the track to help spread awareness for suicide prevention, education and ending the stigma associated with mental health. Donations support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Stay tuned for more information and merch! "
"Cyberbullying – Sophomores: True to the mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph Schools, SHA seeks to promote an environment of inclusive love. We take bullying of any kind very seriously. John Groshans, retired Floral Park Police department speaks with the sophomores to provide education, awareness and safety tips regarding social media messaging, online forums, and dating platforms. John's unique experience also provides information regarding the legal aspects of the misuse of media platforms.
Responsible Driving – Juniors: Prior to their Junior Dinner Dance, the Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD) updates students about current trends in substance abuse among high school students. Discussions include marijuana use and its legalization, nicotine, vaping, opioids/opiates, fentanyl and alcohol. Most importantly, LICADD explores how to make healthy decisions even when experiencing stress and or peer pressure. As your daughters complete driving lessons and begin to drive, to help you outline those concerns and expectations clearly, we encourage parents to complete the CDC Parent Teen Driving Agreement.
Stress Management – Freshman, Seniors (and as requested to other grades): The Social Worker works closely with the Theology Department to provide stress management annually to the Freshman and Seniors and to other classes as needed or requested.
Mental Health Issues: The psychology and health teachers coordinate with the Social Worker to bring awareness to such health issues as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc."
See available resources in our Google Drive.
See PDF Provided.
National and Local Resources
Bereavement Counseling
Often during their school careers, students experience the loss of a loved one. The Social Worker avails herself to the students in assisting them with any lingering issues of grief that may affect their daily functioning while participating in the school day.
Local Community Meetings
The Social Worker attends local community meetings and trainings to remain connected to relevant issues, which may affect your daughter or her peers. These meetings and trainings include but are not limited to:
All visits will take place in the Lower Level Commons Room
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM
(Please note: This list will be updated as more college appointments are made or for any cancellations.)
Online Resources
Students and parents may visit multiple campuses using these links:
A feeling of belonging and inclusiveness is felt in every aspect of their daily lives.
This is a list of college scholarships that the SHA Guidance Department is in receipt of via US Mail or email notification. It is not inclusive of ALL potential scholarships that may be available to students. Therefore, our students & their families are encouraged to also research college scholarship opportunities on the individual college Financial Aid websites, SHA's website resources page, Naviance, internet searching or please consult your daughter's counselor for further assistance.
Summer is a wonderful time for students to participate in many interesting, exciting and enjoyable educational programs. They provide students with an avenue to expand on potential areas of interest and help develop leadership qualities. Some may also provide Community Service opportunities. Please browse through to find a program that might be right for you! (However, please note that these extra opportunities would never come before or replace, any requirements, assignments or responsibilities that you have here, at Sacred Heart Academy.)
Sacred Heart Academy is sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph, Brentwood.
47 Cathedral Ave., Hempstead, NY 11550 Phone: (516) 483-7383 Fax: (516) 485-2110