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Jacqueline Quinn ‘24 To Be Published in "The Journal of Emerging Investigators”

An original environmental science study by Jacqueline Quinn ‘24, "The effects of chemical and physical sunscreens on aquatic invertebrates,” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Emerging Investigators (JEI), a highly-regarded, peer-reviewed academic journal for the nation's best scholarly high school research (Fall 2023). 

Jackie was mentored by Dr. Stephen Sullivan, Sacred Heart Academy’s Research Director. Actual experimentation was conducted at home. Financial support was provided by a $200 materials grant from the South Asian American Women’s Association.
Her manuscript was reviewed by three graduate students (Yale, UVa & Oregon) and a postdoctoral researcher (MIT). Typical comments included:
— This was such a fun and interesting read! This study required precision with the weighing, and attention to detail with observing fairy shrimp behavior. Excellent job on both counts!
— I'm impressed by your perceptiveness in noticing behavioral differences in your shrimp, even though that wasn't what you initially planned to study. 
— This is a hypothesis-driven study with appropriate controls and interesting findings. Your manuscript is extremely well written, and you should be proud of what you have accomplished!
— I think the research direction you choose is great. It is important to know whether human product in daily life will impact the environment in a negative way.
Jacqueline’s abstract follows:  
This project tested the effects of chemical sunscreen (containing oxybenzone) and physical sunscreen (containing nanoparticles) on the aquatic invertebrate, fairy shrimp. It was  predicted: 1) More shrimp in the control sample would survive the entire experiment, and 2) both sunscreens would reduce growth rates among the surviving organisms. 3 tanks containing twenty fairy shrimp apiece served as, I Experimental A (chemical sunscreen), Experimental B (physical sunscreen) and Control. While there was no correlation between the mass of the shrimp and the sunscreens, the mortality rate in the physical sunscreen tank was 20%, the chemical tank had 15%, and there were no losses in the control tank.
Ms. Quinn’s publication in a peer-reviewed journal is Sacred Heart Academy's fourth such accomplishment in 2022-23, and thirteenth since 2020. Way to go Jackie! Kudos, girls!