- The project, based in Upton, NY, is described below:
Development of a method for automated spectrum-based alignment of insertion devices for NSLS-II
Currently, insertion device alignment is assessed in several ways. The first alignment is done during installation with high precision survey equipment in correlation with magnetic measurements from the ID magnetic measurement lab. Typically, the closed orbit distortion is then minimized with respect to the device elevation. Lastly, the device alignment may be tuned based on spectral peak shape. So far, this latter process is performed by eye and by hand. First, we will identify properties of the spectral shape from magnetic device simulation and computation of spectra which may be optimal for automated insertion device alignment. We will then develop an automated method for spectrum-based alignment using a minimization scheme or neural network. It is likely that this time-consuming alignment process may be reduced to only several minutes and generalized for use at many beamlines.
The HSRP program provides selected students access to a real-world scientific community and research experience that includes:
- Collaboration with Brookhaven National Laboratory’s scientific, engineering, and technical staff on hands-on projects that support Brookhaven Lab and the Department of Energy’s mission to ensure America's security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions
- Opportunity to share experiences as part of a poster session and/or oral presentation at the conclusion of the program