15 Sacred Heart Academy juniors were honored for independent research projects presented at the Long Island Science Congress' Virtual Fair in April. The names of the students and their projects are as follows:
High Honors (top 4%)
Shadia Suha (BIOMH)
How can absorption spectroscopy be applied within Atherosclerosis?
Honors (top 8%)
Achievement (top 12%)
Merit (top 20%)
Honorable Mention (top 33%)
Abigail Germano (BEH)
The effect of candidate age & gender on electoral success among adolescent pre-voters
Isabel Louie (BIOMH)
The influence of food allergies on health-related quality of life
Julia Revill (BEH)
Virginia Slims redux: Revisiting the construct of subjective value for feminine-advertised products
Gabrielle Augustin (BEH)
Barriers to opportunity: The effects of non-representation on the education of students of color
Madeleine Graham (BEH)
Do individuals’ perceptions of their own happiness match independent assessments?
Lauren McCarthy (BEH)
Menstrual cycle stigma among adolescent girls in same-sex vs. co-ed institutions
Ella Novack (BIOAP)
The effect of chemical sunscreen runoff on Daphnia magna in freshwater ecosystems
Catalina Ramirez (BEH)
The Worst-Motive Fallacy: Motive attribution and gender-based disposition in a single-sex school
Merit (top 20%)
Rogan Buckley (BEH)
Stress and anxiety concerns among elite/varsity athletes: traditional vs. aesthetic sports
Cara Carbone (BEH)
The presence of stigma on learning disabilities among female adolescents in a single-sex environment
Carli LiBassi (BIOMH)
Revisiting treatment options for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A mixed-methods study
Kayla Romano (BEH)
Mental illness on the silver screen: The impact of film representation on adolescent girls
Honorable Mention (top 33%)
Olivia Shuff (BEH)
The projection phenomenon: The effect of body dysfunction on visual image consumption
Kathleen Tevlin (BIOAP)
Examining the effects of neonicotinoids on pulse rate in Daphnia magna
Special Awards (LISC Director's Award | $100)
Shadia Suha (BIOMH)